HomeTown Ticketing Partners With VantageSportz Streamline Event Management And Digital Ticketing

COLUMBUS, OH – March 14, 2022For Immediate Release HomeTown Ticketing is proud to announce our new partnership with VantageSportz. VantageSportz’s digital platform makes it simple to manage athletics programs by incorporating league management, eligibility reports, officials scheduling, play registration, and facilities management in one comprehensive platform. Together, the two companies strive to bring modern, technological solutions to today’s events, empowering schools and organizations to better serve their athletes, coaches, and fans. Through this partnership, HomeTown and VantageSportz look forward to finding new solutions that save time and simplify processes for schools, athletic programs, and sports organizations. “We are excited to create an integration with the leading digital ticketing provider in K–12, HomeTown Ticketing, a dynamic and easy-to-use service as an add-on to our scheduling and officials assigning services. Our primary goal is to help schools streamline ticketing operations, increase efficiency, grow attendance, and increase revenue. This partnership checks every box!“– Robert Phelan, General Manager | VantageSportz “HomeTown’s partnership with VantageSportz will further our goals of creating easy-to-use solutions that streamline event management and ticketing operations. We are excited for the possibilities that this new partnership presents in serving those schools and athletic organizations who use the VantageSportz platform and look forward to working with them as we develop an integration to blend out services.”– Ryan Hart, Chairman & CEO | HomeTown Ticketing, Inc. ABOUT HOMETOWN TICKETINGHomeTown Ticketing is the leading digital ticketing provider in both K–12 and collegiate spaces, serving schools, districts, conferences, and associations. A professional-level and fully automated ticketing solution, HomeTown’s in-house developed, proprietary ticketing platform is tailored specifically to the needs of schools and governing bodies. Benefits of the HomeTown system include unmatched value through easy-to-use purchasing and redemption options, custom box-offices, event and fan specific reporting tools, and secure financial management features to streamline operations and increase financial transparency. Intuitive and easy-to-use for both event organizers and ticket buyers, HomeTown never touches the event organizer’s funds. Learn more about HomeTown at www.hometownticketing.com | @hometowntix ABOUT VANTAGESPORTZVantageSportz has offered the most comprehensive set of Activities Management solutions in the K–12 and higher education markets for over 30 years. Our solutions are designed by administrators as a complete suite of tools that eliminates double entry, streamlines communication, and makes organizations more efficient. We cater to the needs of athletic directors, leagues, assigners and coordinators, officials, business personnel, and state associations. Our solutions include activities scheduling, paperless registration, eligibility and compliance, facilities management, officials assigning, and more. Best of all, our solutions can be integrated into one paperless solution or separated as an a-la-carte program tailored to your specific needs. For more information, visit VantageSportz.com and follow @VantageSportz on Facebook and Twitter.