HomeTown Ticketing Partners With BigTeams To Support Athletic Directors And Welcome New Integration Opportunities

COLUMBUS, OH – October 28, 2021For Immediate Release HomeTown Ticketing is pleased to announce their partnership with BigTeams, a leader in providing athletic directors with scheduling, management, and compliance tools to streamline and simplify their everyday tasks. This partnership highlights the increasingly positive advantages that technology provides in the school and athletics spaces. Working in the same spaces, both companies align in their goals to support athletic departments in creating stronger, larger programs while making it easier to manage all that comes with the sports and events. BigTeams’ flagship product, Schedule Star, allows athletic directors and administrators to manage the ins and outs of their teams all from a centralized, mobile platform, creating less paperwork and enhancing compliance. HomeTown’s previous experience with integrating scheduling systems into the HomeTown platform opens the door to explore similar solutions with Schedule Star within the HomeTown event management and ticketing platform. “BigTeams’ main goal is to enable school athletic & activity administrators to focus on more important things, like fostering student leaders and mentoring staff members. Accordingly, we are pleased to offer a schedule integration with the leading K-12 digital ticketing platform. This strategic partnership allows us to provide a more efficient, high quality experience for everyone.”– Jennifer Motze, VP of School Development | BigTeams “HomeTown’s partnership with BigTeams is a continuation of our mission of supporting school athletic programs around the country. Together, BigTeams and HomeTown will be able to offer new solutions to athletic directors and administrators via the implementation of our state of the art technology and industry leading customer service. We are excited and look forward to providing fast and easy ticketing to BigTeam schools, districts, and associations in collaboration with BigTeams.”– Ryan Hart, Chairman & CEO | HomeTown Ticketing, Inc. ABOUT HOMETOWN TICKETINGHomeTown Ticketing is the leading digital ticketing provider in both K–12 and collegiate spaces, serving schools, districts, conferences, and associations. A professional-level and fully automated ticketing solution, HomeTown’s in-house developed, proprietary ticketing platform is tailored specifically to the needs of schools and governing bodies. Benefits of the HomeTown system include unmatched value through easy-to-use purchasing and redemption options, custom box-offices, event and fan specific reporting tools, and secure financial management features to streamline operations and increase financial transparency. Intuitive and easy-to-use for both event organizers and ticket buyers, HomeTown never touches the event organizer’s funds, which are accessible within 24 hours from a ticket sale. Learn more about HomeTown at www.hometownticketing.com | @hometowntix ABOUT BIGTEAMSSince 1964, Bigteams has been the leading provider of innovative athletic & activity management tools serving the K-12 market. Our comprehensive solution eliminates tedious, time-consuming workflow for thousands of schools, districts, leagues, and state associations across the country. From scheduling to registration and eligibility, the BigTeams product line is one central point of record for all data. BigTeams is HIPAA, FERPA and COPPA compliant and its US-based service center has a 99% Customer Satisfaction rating. For more information visit bigteams.com and follow @Bigteams on Facebook and Twitter.