Set Up Your School Dance Tickets Online

School dance digital tickets

Prom, homecoming, winter formal: These dances are some of the most anticipated events of the high school calendar for many students and take time to plan and coordinate! Luckily, HomeTown offers the tools you can use to take the headache out of planning and take your dance ticket digital! Related post: Going Digital: The Benefits […]

5 Ways to Promote Your Events

Ways to promote your events

Looking for ways to get more fans to purchase tickets and attend your events? HomeTown can help by providing tools, graphics, and templates to help promote your upcoming events. This fall, schools across the country got creative with these resources and ones that they created on their own to promote their events and make it […]

All Types of Tickets: HomeTown Has the Options People Want

Ticketing options

People love options, and the HomeTown platform has built-in, flexible ticket options so that every person, regardless how tech savvy they are, can easily get their tickets and attend events. Through these options, we bring flexible and professional-level ticketing to schools in a way that sets us apart in the ticketing industry and ensures that […]

Scanning, Security, and a Professional-Level Ticketing Experience

Scanning, security, and a professional-level ticketing experience

When it comes to managing events, there’s a lot to think about. How many people will attend? How can I keep track of attendees? What can I do to keep my event secure? What kind of experience will attendees have at my event? Today we’re answering these questions and sharing how scanning tickets increases security […]

The Show Must Go On: Theatre Ticketing

Theatre ticketing

From the day the cast list is posted until the moment the curtain rises on opening night, there are a million things that need to be done to ensure that your performances go well. One of the biggest, and often most time-consuming parts of a theatre show is ticketing. Luckily, we’re here to simplify your […]

Communication, Capacity, and Cancellations: How HomeTown Can Help

How HomeTown can help with communication, capacity, and cancellations

Managing events is about more than just selling tickets. Fans need to know important details and get updates about the events you are hosting. We understand how important this is to keeping all of your fans safe and happy, so our system has built-in tools to help you! Communication From details about parking to what […]

4 Keys to Digital Ticketing with HomeTown

4 keys to digital ticketing

We have ticketing down to a science. At HomeTown, we understand that making the switch to digital ticketing might seem like a big change at first, but the benefits are incredible. Our platform is about four steps that are the key to successfully ticketing your events and getting your revenue!  1. Sell Your Tickets HomeTown’s […]

How Fans Purchase Tickets Online and in the HomeTown Fan App

How fans purchase tickets online and in the HomeTown fan app

When schools or organizations use HomeTown Ticketing, their fans have two fast and convenient ways to purchase their digital event tickets ahead of time.  Get Tickets Online When fans are looking for tickets to events, they can go directly to the school or organization website. HomeTown provides schools and organizations with a website embed with […]

Why Choose HomeTown Ticketing?

Why choose HomeTown Ticketing

When it comes to digital ticketing, no other company has the technological features, security, and support to match HomeTown Ticketing. We stand out as the leader in digital ticketing for schools and colleges, but why? With over 10,800 satisfied schools, districts, colleges, and organizations, there are a few key reasons why HomeTown leads the way. […]